The move would give the city court protection from creditors. 此举将给该市带来来自债权人的法院保护。
In recent weeks, a bond insurer and a group of city retirees in court requested city records on the 66,000-piece collection to try to establish its value. 最近几周,一家债券保险商和一群底特律退休人员在法院请求查看该市对这6.6万件艺术品的登记以确定其价值。
The Taizhou City Environmental Protection Association then filed civil lawsuits against the six companies with the same court. 随后,泰州市环保联合会在同一家法院对这六家企业提起了民事诉讼。
One New Yorker who used his photogenic dog to create a blog dubbed Sammy and the City is now dragging his estranged girlfriend to court claiming she stole the lucrative website. 一位纽约市民用他这只上镜的小狗创建了一个名为Sammy和这座城市的博客。而他正将关系失和的前女友告上法庭,声称其盗用了这个利润颇丰的网站。
A spokesman for city's security bureau, meanwhile, said that it welcomed the court's judgment, adding that the government had 'been acting and will continue to act in accordance with the law in a fair and reasonable manner.' 与此同时,香港保安局发言人说,对法院判决表示欢迎,并补充说,政府一直在行动,并将继续根据法律采取公平合理的行动。
Several bombs exploded outside a court in the southern port city of chittagong, and almost simultaneously a bomb exploded at a court Library in Gazipur town, near dhaka. 几枚炸弹在南部港口城市吉大港一家法院外面爆炸,达卡附近的加济布尔的一处法院图书馆几乎同时被炸。
Mr Li, son of Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man, is a major shareholder and chairman of PCCW, the city's biggest fixed-line operator which is involved in a long-running court case over his attempt to take the company private. 作为香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)的儿子,李泽楷是香港最大固话运营商电讯盈科(PCCW)的主要股东兼董事长。由于李泽楷试图对电讯盈科进行私有化,该公司陷入了一场旷日持久的官司。
All eleven will appear today at City of Westminster Magistrates 'Court. 所有11名嫌疑犯出现在今天的威斯敏斯特的地方法庭。
"I've got bigger and better plans for the city off the court," he said. “我对城市有一些更大更好的场下计划。”他说。
Stone city street, the ancient tower, the ancient Ming and Qing Court; 城内石板小街,古代城楼,明清古院;
Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore City Hall, the Singapore Supreme Court and the City Hall MRT Station. 比如圣安德鲁大教堂,新加坡市政厅,新加坡最高法院以及市政快运中心等等。
He works as a recorder in the city court. 他在市法院当记录员。
The lawsuit was put on record by Shenzhen City Intermediate People's Court on Dec22. 此案于12月22日由深圳市中级人民法院立案受理。
The nicest buildings in the city are the federal court house and the city hall. 城市里最好的建筑物是联邦法院和市政厅。
Eventually, the city government issued another chop to the TPG side, a decision that the former management is disputing in court. 最终,市政府给tpg一方发放了另一枚公章这项决定在法庭上遭到了前管理层的质疑。
With imperial palaces conducting to the interior passages around the imperial city, the guarding and the political system of the court made up a wholesome body of administration. 唐代夹城建置,至玄宗时期大盛,通过禁中宫门与复道互相联络,三宫防卫与政治构成管理的整体。
He removed his children to the countryside; Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city; remove a case to another court. 他把他的孩子转移到乡下;把军队转移到城市周围里。
Responsible for management of city offices 'PAR ( Portfolio At Risk), late payment and court proceedings. 负责管理办事处的风险汇总报告,逾期付款与法律诉讼程序。
The city wants the court to rule that Americans have a right to bear arms only in service of a government militia. 华盛顿特区希望法院裁决,只有服役的政府民兵才能够享有携带武器的权利。
FR District Court in CS City should transfer the materials and lawsuit costs to Beijing Second Intermediate Court immediately according to the provisions of law. 按规定CS市FR区法院应将此案卷材料和诉讼费立即移送北京第二中院审理。
The city said it was acting on a court decision that ruled the houses illegal. 市政府声称他们的所作所为皆因法院已将这些房舍判为非法。
A judge who has criminal jurisdiction in a city. The magistrates committed her for trial at the Crown Court. 刑事法院法官某个城市中有刑事审判权的法官治安法官将她带到巡回刑事法庭受审。
Some shaking table test results of the office building model of Guangzhou City Court with concrete transforming frame are introduced. 介绍了广州市中级人民法院办公楼&带混凝土转换刚架高层结构模型振动台试验结果。
From August, 1999, in east city district of Beijing, it trial runs that public prosecutor gives suggestion on weighing on court, and debates with defender and defendant on how to weigh sentence. 1999年8月北京市东城区检察院开始试行公诉人当庭发表量刑建议,并与被告人及辩护人就量刑意见展开辩论。
At last, give examples of Jiuquan City's court system, it include the main characteristics of "the administration did not take" cases from judicial practice. 然后以酒泉市法院系统为例,从司法实践的角度归纳了行政不作为案件的主要特点。
Secondly, analyses the rationality and effectiveness of judgment from Yulin City Intermediate People court, and points out that the judgment of a people court should be respected and implemented. 其次,详细地分析了榆林市中院的所作判决的合理性及判决的效力问题,指出人民法院的判决应当被尊重和执行。
The HONGQIAO case in Qi Jiang Chong Qing city in 1999 involving to the court change has caused a fierce debate between the judicial and academics once. 1999年重庆綦江虹桥案因涉及到法院变更指控罪名,曾一度引起司法界和学术界激烈的争论。
Investigation should be clearly in the command centre, city, state court for establishment, maximum satisfy cohesion superior procuratorate and guide the handling of the lower procuratorate needs. 侦查指挥中心应该明确在地、市、州院进行设立,最大限度地满足衔接上级检察院和指导下级检察院的办案需要。